
  • General

    4:02 a.m.

    She might as well have looked me straight in the eyes and said word for word, “This is how little I care about you” before she left me in that cold Albany parking lot on that gray evening in March and got into her car and drove forever out of my life. But she didn’t. She let me wait for her for a month before vaguely telling me over the phone that she was out, done, giving up on me for no apparent reason, and only after my emotionally confused state desperately yanked the truth out of her. I remember so clearly her saying at one point, “It shouldn’t be…

  • General

    The Growth Year

    A few nights ago I found myself sitting across from someone I've admired for years but hadn't until that night met. In a quiet, dimly lit bar in Manhattan's East Village, we sat over New York sours and caught up on each other's life. The conversation quickly moved toward the area of both our struggles: relationships.