The American Tragedy
Let not arrogance blind us into becoming judgmental, narrow-minded and intolerant of people who think differently than us. There are plenty of good-intentioned, good-hearted supporters and enemies of the president. I hope we can all recognize that and stop the carnage toward each other that’s spewed all over social media. The first step in a positive and progressive direction is acknowledging that, and not belittling, dismissing or demeaning others who have different opinions and reasons for their support or opposition of the administration. When will we learn that they key is discussion? I should not have to be terrified to post this blog entry for fear of bombardment from the right and the left. Freedom of expression and then respecting a persons freedom of expression is what we were built on! To my friends on the right and to my friends on the left, please respect diversity of thought and don’t attack me for not agreeing entirely with you.
I predicted Trump’s presidency in May, 2015. I was laughed at and mocked, but I had a strong discernment and pulse on what was going on in the country. I watched as history repeated itself. This time, Democrats made the same mistake Republicans made back in 2008 and 2012. They chose the establishment, machine politics over the change the American people wanted to see. And when we all saw the emails that were released by WikiLeaks and how the Democrats very blatantly and publicly rigged the primaries for Clinton with zero consequence, knocking Sanders out of the picture, I was assured we would have President Trump. I was still mocked and laughed at.
For the record, I am not registered Republican or Democrat. I am unaffiliated with the parties because I have grown to despise them. I believe the two-party system is why we have such division in America. I can’t identify as liberal or conservative because I take from both to formulate my own thoughts and opinions. I am not and will never be sold out for one particular side. The idea of sides is a tragedy. I felt uncomfortable with my choices this election cycle and did not vote for either candidate. To Clinton supporters, that deemed me sexist, racist, and deplorable. To Trump supporters, brainwashed, communist and socialist. There was no winning for me, I was going to be looked down upon by either side because I didn’t side with them.
That right there is the real American tragedy. I am none of those things. I am not sexist, racist, homophobic or deplorable. I am not brainwashed, communist or socialist. To my friends on the right and the left, I’ve remained silent, and I have learned that silence makes you their enemy. Friends, this is the real American tragedy. Can’t you see it? I see these beautiful Facebook posts about how honored and amazing it was to march with women and to stand together for equal rights and then the posts are signed with an “oh, btw, fuck Trump.” Defeats the entire purpose, doesn’t it? What revolution of love is that? I see it on both sides, and this is the real tragedy.
I want to say this, though. Several years ago when we found out the NSA deprived us of all privacy, rights and liberty, why didn’t millions show up to march on Washington? Why did so few care? I joined a crowd of roughly 100 soon after Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the complete disintegration of our rights to privacy. It’s a tragedy that this meant nothing, but President Trump means everything.
Friends, let’s not belittle or demean each other any longer. Let’s not force-feed our agendas down each other’s throats. Let’s celebrate diversity of thought, not condemn it and violently attempt to get everyone in line with us. That’s not America, that’s a tragedy.
For my friends who associate themselves with the right, why can’t you see from the perspective of a Syrian refugee in America who is fearing what others might think of them, having endured one of the most grizzly and atrocious human rights scenarios to ever break out in our time and are deemed as potential terrorists? Have you no empathy or compassion for your friends on the left who share a different view point than you, who see the world through a different lens because of a different life experience? Do you even have friends on the left? For my friends who associate themselves with the left, why can’t you see from the perspective of caucasian men and women in poor, rural areas that have been completely obliterated by a progressive agenda, who feel their lives don’t matter and are deemed as stupid and uneducated because of their circumstances? Have you no empathy or compassion for your friends on the right who share a different view point than you, who see the world through a different lens because of a different life experience? Do you even have friends on the right? Because both of you can’t, that is the real American tragedy.
Let me repeat word for word what I’ve already said so hopefully it sinks in. Let not arrogance blind us into becoming judgmental, narrow-minded and intolerant of people who think differently than us. There are plenty of good-intentioned, good-hearted supporters and enemies of the president. I hope we can all recognize that and stop the carnage toward each other that’s spewed all over social media. The first step in a positive and progressive direction is acknowledging that, and not belittling, dismissing or demeaning others who have different opinions and reasons for their support or opposition of the administration. When will we learn that they key is discussion? I should not have to be terrified to post this blog entry for fear of bombardment from the right and the left. Freedom of expression and then respecting a persons freedom of expression is what we were built on! To my friends on the right and to my friends on the left, please respect diversity of thought and don’t attack me for not agreeing entirely with you.