The Beautiful Letdown
If hurting me was truly one of the hardest things she ever had to do in her life, surely she wouldn’t be with someone else so quickly. There would be no possible way her heart could be in that place. It must not have been hard at all. I wish I had been worth an in-person breakup, and a time of healing, but I wasn’t. Yet she doesn’t ask, she demands that I believe her. I want to. But I don’t.
Cargo City
Passion is contagious and I long for an environment that embodies it and a purpose driven support crew that dreams just as big if not bigger, sharing ideas and conditioning the belief that doing what you love is the norm
the monster
This short poem was written from the perspective of the children who were in Middle School during the attacks of September 11th. This is how we viewed life afterwards up until the death of Osama Bin Laden.